
Tales of the Cookbook VI

What I know:

1. I will be self-publishing. I came to this realization quite some time ago and I am quite comfortable with it. I mean, “The Martian” by Andy Weir, “50 Shades of Grey” by E.L. James and “Eragon” by Christopher Paolini were all self-published books.

2. I have decided to do the initial release as an ebook. It will convey great information and be easily accessible. You can read the book on your ebook or if you don’t have an ebook you can use your tablet or smartphone. You can use an app. For example, you can download the Kindle app to your tablet or smart phone and access the book that way.

3. I have given myself a 1st quarter of 2019 deadline. Without this I will just keep tweaking forever. At some point you just have to let your baby go and hope you did a good job, right? So that is what I’m going to do.

With all that being said. I am going to take a little blogging break. I plan to use the next couple of months to really finalize everything. No distractions… except my children… who I think are only in school for 8 days the whole month of February, maybe 12 in March. But other than that it’s Garlic & Olive Oil the cookbook all the time.

I’ll still post pics on Instagram and Facebook of my cooking and baking adventures. I mean, we still gotta eat. So make sure you are following me there. But the blog will slow down for a bit. Wishing you all a happy couple of months and I’ll hopefully be back soon with some exciting news!

Mangia! Mangia!

Me Xmas 2015


18 thoughts on “Tales of the Cookbook VI

  1. I am so glad to know this about your book. I will look forward to more recipes down the road too. Good luck!

  2. Can’t wait for your finished product. Several people I know will be excited too. I’ll pass the word that the book is getting closer! Hugs sweetie

  3. I am so excited!!! Good luck! As you are plugging away, I will be right here waiting for you;) …and the cookbook! Super duper excited! In the meantime, I will be using past blog posts to manage mom/chef responsibilities so I don’t lose my mind trying to go it alone!

  4. I just love your blog. If I felt inclined to cook, your recipes are just what I want… delicious and easy to follow. I’m so proud of you and your effort to lead all cooks in the right direction. I feel like I’m in on the beginning of something great!!

  5. Go you (during the 20 minutes the girls are in school)! We are the lucky ones on the receiving end of all your greatness! In honor of you, I’m off to make our 6th batch of your vinaigrette since you posted that recipe.

    1. Isn’t that salad dressing the best! Melissa D’Arabian is awesome. Thank you so much; I’m excited!

  6. Emily, I can’t wait until your cookbook comes out, and I can brag to my friends that I know this amazing cook/chef/author/friend!

  7. Thank you so much for all the blogs, I love the recipes and the wonderful way it makes me feel, like I get to share you and your family and the cook book experience. I read all of them and have tried many , I have learned a lot about cooking. Can’t wait for the finished product . Sending good luck and lots of love your way . A.C.

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